Sunday, March 16, 2008

A private post...sorry folks

Well i'm writing a private post. It's for me only :) But i just wanted anyone that actually reads this, to know that i haven't forgotten and i'm doing awesome on my reading. 5...or is it 6...weeks straight now without missing a day. I just had some personal revelations today in church and wanted to write them down...but not for the whole world to see. Hopefully one day, my kids will know about this blog and i'll be able to share that with them and/or after i'm gone and i leave the account and password or something, it will be known to all. That's my dream. Sappy i know. CHAU!!

oh...and since i can't figure out any other way, i'm just saving it in Drafts...neat huh?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

ummm yeah

ok. it's my fault. i'm a horrible person, so sue me. Just cuz i haven't written for like 20 days, doesn't mean i don't care!! I feel like i'm writing a letter or something...I guess technically i could be. Anywho...
In my other blog i put a comment about how i had soemthing to share that it would most likely go here. It's not a scripture story, although i do have a thought about how that is going as well...which i will add.
So on my previous post, i mentioned i couldn't find my Escrituras en Espanol. Yeah that was extremely frustrating. My mission scriptures mean so much to me. They were basically two years of spiritual revelation put into a book, on pages of gold....para decir. So anyway I was getting to the point of basically giving up and just hoping that one day they might show up, or hope they had gotten into someones hands that would read them and i might help in some way. I had checked all over our house, like 8 times; all over at work, including in drawers, completely cleaning them out, cupboards, other desks, etc. EVERYWHERE possible. Well i really just was upset and didn't know wha to do, so i just prayed about it and hoped for the best. The next day, i came to work and basically i walked in, clocked in, and befor even touching the comptuer, or phone, or anything else, i opened this cupboard (above my desk, which i had looked in like 9 times) and they were there. I wasn't shocked, i didn't freak out, but more than anything i knew i had been tested tell the truth, i passed the test. Ever since i've found them, i've kept them on the corner of my bed so i won't ever lose them again. Come to think of it, everytime i walk into my room, i always make sure they are right where i put them before.
I honestly think i had taken them forgranted and now that i realized how much they meant to me, and have found them....with a little help of course....i value them so much more.
On top of that, i'm glad to say i haven't missed a day of reading now 4 and a half weeks straight...i know not amazing, but considering my track record before actually is quite stellar.
Back in January i'd had a temple reccomend interview with my bishop, Bishop Workman (amazing man btw), and just needed to have my Stake President interview. Well i just hadn't ever gotten around to it for whatever reason. Last Saturday we had a ward activity and he by chance came. I asked him if i could come by and have the interview to finish up my recommend and he said of course. I went to church a little bit early on Sunday, the next day, and went in. He wasn't available, but one of his counselors was able to interview me and get my reccommend fulfilled. Near the end of the interview, he asked me "During the time while i was asking you the interview questions, i had the impression to ask you about how your scripture reading is coming." I was like...WHOA...considering on the drive over to the interview i had really wanted to talk to the Stake President and thank him for sharing with us at our Stake Conference that he hadn't missed a day in 25 years...yeah amazing i know. i'm not sure if i'll go that long, but i really don't see why not? I's not like it's hard, and it makes the day so much better. So yeah, that was a pretty awesome experience just with finding them, then having my testimony reaffirmed that it was important enough to God to help me out and make sure i knew it was important also.
Basically I love the gospel and know it's true! Wahooo!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 2: Today is a wonderful day!

So i can't find my scriptures. Well i know where my English ones are, but i can't find my Spanish Triple, which is kind of annoying cuz i love reading in Spanish. SO i've been reading in English from the emails that the website sends me. Anyway here is my thoughts for what i read today.

1 Nephi 15:
24 And I said unto them that it was the word of God; and whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction.
25 Wherefore, I, Nephi, did exhort them to give heed unto the word of the Lord; yea, I did exhort them with all the energies of my soul, and with all the faculty which I possessed, that they would give heed to the word of God and remember to keep his commandments always in all things.

Really, what i thought about today wasn't so much about what the scripture says, it's more about what Nephi does and who he is. We know Nephi is a future prophet, so of course the Lord is going to prepare him to be one. Throughout the entire history of the family of Lehi, we know that Nephi...the youngest basically the leader of the group. There are even times when Lehi and Sariah complain, and Nephi has to put them in their place so they could continue on in their journey and be blessed. I just find it extremely interesting just the extent that Nephi, at a young age, was able to teach and have the spirit. Chapter 15 consists of Nephi answering questions his brothers have about the Vision of the tree of life and about the Olive Tree symbolism. But overall, the thing i noted most was just the fact that after he taught a principle which was to hearken unto the word of God, he invited Laman and Lemuel to listen to the him; to listen to Lehi; to listen to the Lord. "With ALL THE FACULTY which i possessed." He just knew the thing which were true, and he believed in them SO much that i really don't think his brothers comprehended at all, the amount he wanted them to be righteous.

So today IS a wonderful day. I have the gospel in my life, i can see small things happening JUST by reading the scriptures daily again, and truthfully i'm happier than i have been in a long time.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 1 but more like day 8

So i started reading the Book Of Mormon again recently. Basically it came from my Stake President telling us that he hasn't ever missed a day...that's just nuts, but true. I figured...I can do that too right? Well I started that day, maybe it was the next day. All i know is I haven't missed a day since he said that.

Back in the mission i liked to write down the things i learned and that would come to me from my reading. Since I already have a blog, and i write online, i figured it would be awesome to do a Blog of my scripture reading as well.

Mike Bready, my good buddy and now roommate, introduced me to a website where you can enter in what you want to read, and in how many days. Try it out, it's pretty cool So i put in the Book Of Mormon of course, and to finish it by my Birthday. My plan isn't to read it fast, rather to read just a small section at a time and actually learn something when i read. So far I am in 1 Nephi chapter 14, which I finished today and started into Chapter 15. But i want to recap one thing i read a couple days ago first, before i write about what i read today.

1 Nephi 11:5 "And I said: Yea, thou knowest that I believe all the words of my father."

Basically it's kind of crazy. Lately i've been considering just writing a letter to my parents just telling them how much i love them and how grateful i am for them. I haven't done it yet, but i actually have a good opportunity since it was my Dad's bday yesterday. You'd think the opportunity would have passed, but since he was out of town working...sucky i know, but since he was gone we are planning on...well tentatively planning on doing something when he gets back. Anyway i just thought it was neat that Nephi really believed ALL of the words of his father. IT's kind of like in todays world, that wouldn't be heard of. The reason it really hit me, is just because my Father always taught me correct principles and how to live righteously. I do believe the words of my Father, just like Nephi.

At the same time, the verse could have a double meaning. The words of Lehi, his earthly father, and the words of our Heavenly Father. By following the counsel of our earthly father, as long as he follows Heavenly Father, it is saying we have faith in and believe all the words of our Father in Heaven. One other reason why the family is so dang important. Why some people have a hard time seeing this, i do not know, but it's the truth.

Now for today's reading.

1 Nephi 14:14 "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory."
This verse is pretty self explanatory, just one thing i want to point out. We are promised MANY times in the Book of Mormon that if we live the commandments, we will prosper in the land. When the saints were coming across the plains, they definitly went through about 900 thousand times more than i ever will. But they were faithful and lived their covenents and had the power of god. They were armed with righteousness, just like we can be today as well. Ever since i've started reading these past two weeks, i've definitley noticed a change in how much i care about the small things. I just know that things will work out when they will and sometimes i just don't have power over them. But i know i can be armed with righteousness and the power of God in my life. It is the truth.
I'm not sure if i will update this blog every time i read, but i plan on keeping it updated as far as when i find something i find interesting and insightful.